MIC Wrestling Championship Individual 152 lb. Champion, Brice Coleman!!
MIC Wrestling Championship Individual 145 lb. Individual Champion, Jajuan Anderson!!
MIC Wrestling Championships Individual 113 lb. Champion, Marquarias Wilburn!!
MIC Wrestling Championships Individual 126 lb. Champion David Pierson!
Congratulations to Autumn Terhune, the 2020 IHSGW 152 lb. State Champion!!
This Week in Sports - Week of 1/19/2020!!
MIC Wrestling Meet is Saturday, 1/18/2020, at Lawrence North!!
Take a Stand 2020!
Warren Central Athletes of the Month Announced!!
The Lady Warriors Pick up Win # 11 by Knocking off Zionsville, 83-25!
This Week in Sports - Week of 1/12/2020!!
The Warriors Defeat Bedford North Lawrence 52-49!!
Lady Warriors Earn Two Wins at Ben Davis Holiday Classic Basketball Tourney!!
This Week in Sports - Week of 1/5/2020!!
Warren W
Congratulations to the 2019 County Wrestling Champions!
Boys & Girls Swim & Dive Teams Place 3rd & 7th, Respectively, at the Marion County Swim Meet on Saturday!
The Lady Warriors pick up a win over Gary West!