Christie Luma

1. The National African American Recognition Award symbolizes the hard work and dedication many African American students pour into their education, despite the many obstacles we face in the education system.

2. The main reason why I believe I achieved this award is that I have always placed a significant emphasis on my education. So, if any other students are looking to achieve this award, I would suggest that they put as much effort as possible into their schooling and persevere even if it becomes challenging. 

3. I honestly was not expecting to win this award as I thought it was very competitive. I also did not know I met all of the requirements. Nonetheless, once I received the news, I was very excited. 

4. I am thankful for the congratulations I received from peers and adults in the building.

Aaliyo Winters 

1. The award means that the recipients scored within their state or school's 90th percentile in their SAT or scored a 3 or higher on two or more AP exams by junior year.

2.  I received an invitation from the College Board to apply for the program after taking the SAT in March 2022. My advice for higher SAT scores is to take advantage of the free Khan Academy practice tests. Make sure you do practice tests and not the individual topics as I’ve found that the topics covered usually don’t show up on the real tests as much as the questions covered in the full-length practice tests.

3. I found out about it before cross country practice, so my first thought was to show my coach. When I got home I made sure to include it on my common app and other scholarship applications. 

4. Not much except for my name being displayed on the slideshow on the TV in the CSC. I think that is an appropriate amount of recognition as the program is relatively new, only being established in 2019.

Anesi Akpeokhai

1:The Meaning of the reward.

2:What lead me to earning it/advice to other students

3:My reaction


This award recognizes and rewards students like myself who understand the struggles that come from our various backgrounds, and still succeed and earn many academic and extracurricular goals and achievements. This award opens doors for many students like myself to earn recognition and even scholarships from colleges all over the country. I was honestly very surprised and I felt very accomplished when I saw the email and my certificate. To know that the work that I have put in all these years is finally being recognized was a feeling that could rarely be replicated. While I haven't gotten recognition from around the school that much, I have received recognition from colleges who reached out to me to apply. The emails would recognize that I was a recipient of the award and extend an invitation to apply not just to the school, but even some honors colleges as well. My advice to other students to get this award is to be an overachiever in qualifying for this award. Shoot for a GPA higher than a 3.5 and earn a high score on the AP exams or PSATs. This award isn't given to anyone who meets the criteria, it is earned by those who put in the hard work to get to where they are. All in all, to achieve this award you have to work hard, a simple yet complicated task that can set someone up for greatness.