“Dead Island 2” is the third installment of the series and is a direct sequel to the 2011 installment of “Dead Island.” In “Dead Island,” people contract Kuru, which is a neurological disease that started an epidemic in the Papua New Guinea region. It was mostly spread by the tribes of the island through blood because of the tribes fighting. In this story, two players can play as Logan, Xian Mei, Sam, and Purna.
The studio that made “Dead Island 1” and “Dead Island: Riptide is called Techland. It was founded in 1991 by Pawel Marchewka. They are responsible for making another game series similar to “Dead Island,” which is called “Dying Light.” The developers of “Dead Island 2” is Sumo digital which has made games such as “Little Big Planet 3,” “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” “Sonic,” “Sega All-Stars racing,” and “Crackdown.”
The story continues from the original “Dead Island” after months of the deadly virus, the United States Armed Forces put California under quarantine due to a new zombie outbreak in the city. The player will be able to play as one of six playable characters, which are Amy, Dani, Jacob, Ryan, Carla, and Bruno. Amy is the most physically fit out of the slayers because she was once a Paralympian. Jacob has an interesting story, he started as a stockbroker but when his mother died he became a stuntman in LA. Dani is a former retail assistant that has joined a roller derby team. Ryan used to be a DJ for a club in LA. Bruno was a street hustler that was in LA at the time of the outbreak. Carlos doesn’t have a backstory like the other slayers, he is introduced when he is found on the road by a ghost town.
In “Dead Island 2,” there will be new features such as a crafting system, an open world, and an Alexa control system. The crafting system is a very unique feature that is not included in the previous games. It will allow the player to craft weapons that have an elemental effect on the zombies. In “Dead Island Riptide,” there was an open-world feature but it was only available after the player beat the main story, in this, it will exclusively be open-world. You will be able to use Alexa to make commands and movements in the game.
This game will be available on April 22 at stores such as Gamestop, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart. Gamers that will like “Dead Island 2,” are those that like games such as "Left for Dead 2,” “Back 4 Blood," “Dying Light 2,” and “7 Days to Die.”