Earth day originally started in the 70s as a peace movement, as a way to honor the earth. Every year, on April 22, we honor the achievements of those who are a part of the environmental movement and raise awareness for the continued need to protect the earth’s natural resources for future generations. This Earth Day, get out and participate in a local event in honor of our planet.
Holliday Park Volunteer Work Day
Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road
There will be a volunteer work day at Holliday Park dedicated to cleaning up the park, by removing invasive plants from the winter season, picking up the limbs of trees, cutting up overgrown yews, and cleaning up parks. The event is on April 21, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Earth Day Indiana Festival at Military Park
West New York Street and North West Street
This festival will be filled with 125 different organizations, live music, and food vendors. There will be a butterfly parade and there will be many activities catered to children. The festival will include a 5K run and walk at the end of the event. The festival will be held on April 21, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Get a Free Tree for Arbor Day at Monument Circle
100 Monument Circle
The Indianapolis Power and Light Company will be offering trees to celebrate Arbor Day. Attendees will be given free pizza and the opportunity to learn about the benefits of trees. This event will take place on April 28.
Beastly Brunch at Holiday Park
6363 Spring Mill Road
This event, held on April 18, will be in the lobby of the nature center. Help the staff feed the animals, while learning about their eating habits.
Earth Day at The Urban Bloom Gardens
Frank Young Park 1000 Udell Street
There will be many activities to do such as installing a rooftop garden on a shipping container, adding rain barrels, tending to gardens, and creating repurposed street art planters. This event will happen on April 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.