This year, Warren is planning on giving back to the planet by doing some spring cleaning. The PTSA is hosting their annual community clean up on April 15, during which participants will pick up trash around the Warren Township area.
“The goal of the event is to take pride in the Eastside, while caring for our planet. The trash is a danger to animals that may eat it as well as it being terrible for the earth,” head coordinator of the event, Ashley Jones, said.
Jones and the rest of the PTSA are hoping for a large turnout of volunteers. Anyone is welcome to join them and participate in the clean up. Jones personally has her own heart in the event and cares a lot about the impact it will have on the planet.
“This event is important to me personally because just as our slogan states, ‘There is no planet B.’ We have to take care of our environment. We can not expect to have areas thrive when trash is literally everywhere. It also shows our community that many of us do care. There is a negative view of the far eastside that does not accurately represent what we are about. This is one small way we are able to show we are a community that is responsible and are willing to take time to take action,” Jones said.
As for the volunteers, the day will be filled with lots of amenities including food and a t-shirt, as well as the actual equipment used for the cleanup.
“We provide food to make the day easier, materials so nobody is burdened with digging into their own pockets as well as a t-shirt to wear around and show people that there is pride in the eastside. I have gotten many compliments on mine,” Jones said.
While anyone is welcome to join the event the coordinators want to do more than just clean up, it wants to impact the volunteer’s mindset as well. Understanding that picking up some trash may not seem like much but in the long run, it will help the earth out.
“Anytime I speak of this event to people I try to stress two things: being proud of our community and taking care what is ours, as well as how harmful the trash and debris is to our environment and how it’s destroying the habitat for animals that live here,” Jones said.
Aside from the actual event, adding some things to take care of the earth into your daily routine is a good idea. Some easy switches can be made for things like using less plastic, recycling more, and even changing some of your food sources.
“Things people can do aside from attending this event is to continue this year round. Clean your road when you have free time, refrain from throwing trash out of your vehicle, speak up when you see a family member or friend littering. If something is not biodegradable. it should never be released into the environment,” Jones said.