The last show has ended, but the nightmare is just beginning. “Four Found Dead” is a young adult horror story, where a group of seven movie theater employees get chased through a soon-to-be abandoned shopping complex.
The story begins at the Tempest Theaters, the last business in an unnamed defunct shopping mall. Jo, the story’s protagonist, and her six other co-workers are on their last night shift once all the moviegoers have left. However, things take a dark turn when a mysterious stranger arrives at the establishment with a terrible accusation - followed by the power going out and the manager with the keys to the lobby doors and theater safe going missing. Things then go from 0 to 100 when Jo discovers the body of one of her co-workers, prompting everyone else alive to go into a fear-induced panic - before they try and find an exit while a killer stalks them throughout the derelict mall.
The author of the book, Natalie D. Richards, has amassed a grand following. Born in Central Ohio, Natalie was writing stories that kept readers wide awake starting in the second grade. She has already written up to 10 stories, with a few examples being “Six Months Later,” “Seven Dirty Secrets,” and “One Was Lost.”
Overall, “Four Found Dead” is a great story that will leave readers gripping the edge of their seats as they flip through every page. The story is set to come out on May 23, with the cheapest price being $7.99 on a Kindle and a physical paperback copy being $10.79.