The “Demon Slayer” anime is one of the most popular in the world right now. It revolves around a boy named Tanjiro whose family got attacked by a group of demons. In this attack, he and his sister Nezuko survived, but she was turned into a demon. Now Tanjiro sets out to avenge his family's death and find a cure for his sister. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Sweep the Board comes out later this month. This isn’t the first time the anime has been adapted into a game, the first being Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Hinokami Chronicles in 2021. It was an arena fighter that was pretty well-received, and this new game should be the same.
The creator of the anime is Koyaharu Gotouge, who debuted in 2016 with “Shonen Jump.” It became one of the best-selling manga of all time and was adapted into an anime in 2021. The gaming studio developing this game is Aniplex, which has been around since 1995. They were the developers of the first game and they excel at producing anime. They have produced some of the most-watched anime of all time, such as “Naruto Shippuden,'' “Bleach” and “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.”
This game is different from many other anime games because it is a Mario party-type of game, which isn’t common with anime games. Players will be able to play with a wide variety of different hashiras while being able to go to different boards that feature memorable locations that are featured in the anime. Hashiras are, in anime and manga, the highest-ranking Demon Slayers in the corps, having a vastly higher kill count than any other Demon Slayer known, beyond the founder of the Demon Slayer corps.
This game is great for people who want to play in large groups and like having to use puzzles and creativity to win. This game is set to come out on Nintendo Switch on April 25 for $60.