The sweat drips, one step after another, as the unified track team pushes through each race, working hard to become the best they can.
Unified track is a sport in which special education and general education students compete in track and field events alongside each other.
Much like other teams, this team likes to get loose and ready to go before they compete.
“We like to dance and sing and get them excited right before races,” Coach Stormy Royse said.
This prepares them a lot for when they are getting ready to face their opponents. Most of the unified track team works in many events, but they have some favorites.
“I like the long jump, 100-meter race and the relay race,” Dorin Ferguson said.
Another member of the unified track team, Aa’Myra Fields, is a sophomore. Like Ferguson, she does long jump, the 100-meter race and the relay race, and she also does the shot put event.
“Long jump is probably my favorite, but I love all the races I compete in,” she said.
As a team they all enjoy being together and working hard or, as Ferguson said, “getting the DUB.”