Pollution is defined as the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. It comes from countless sources such as car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, mold spores, and much more. Pollution is a worldwide issue that is constantly being studied and observed, and we are continuing to try and come up with solutions on how to make the world less polluted and overall a better place to live. Pollution falls into five major categories: air, water, soil, light, and noise pollution. Indiana is one of the countless places on earth where pollution is an issue, and it will only get worse as time goes on unless people make an effort to make a change. Here’s what you can do to make a difference.
Indiana, out of 50 states in 2018, was ranked 48th overall for quality of life; meaning overall environmental conditions. All Hoosiers should be mindful of their effects on the environment and should make an effort to better the environment. A good first step in reducing pollution would be to either limit the amount of trips made in your car, or carpool. Another thing to do is limit usage of wood burning stoves or fireplaces, so as to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, try to refrain from using aerosol sprays such as febreeze and other air fresheners, as they are contributors to air pollution as well. Alternatives to aerosol sprays include sunscreen in a tube, essential oils, and bug repellent sticks.
Furthermore, water pollution is also a prominent issue in Indiana. In reference to hecweb.org, Indiana faces a wide variety of challenges to water quality, including nutrient pollution, manure runoff, excess sediment, inadequate sewage treatment, and industrial contamination. These challenges should be important to every Indiana resident, as these pollutants pose a threat to clean drinking water as well. No one wants to drink unclean water, so everyone should do their part to keep the water clean. A few possible solutions to this include not using phosphorus based fertilizers on your lawn, as this contributes to blue-green algae blooms. Additionally, lots of communities and organizations get together every year to help clean up waterways in Indiana. Do some research about events happening near you, and participate!
Finally, if some of these solutions to help reduce pollution in your area do not seem doable or realistic, just do some research on your own and figure out ways that work for you. We can’t make a difference without knowing what the problem is or what is causing it, so please make an effort to educate yourself on the subject. Pollution will be a problem that plagues us for who knows how long, but we truly can make a difference in stopping it. The world is our home, and it takes care of us, so we should take care of it.
If interested in making a difference or learning more, please visit these websites:
http://www.indianalakes.org/, https://www.in.gov/idem/prevention/, https://www.epa.gov/p2/pollution-prevention-technical-assistance-epa-region-5, https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/indiana/indianapolis, https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2018/04/19/how-bad-indianas-environment-actually-according/525003002/