Netflix released a new movie called “Moxie,” which explores the issues of sexism and toxic-minded individuals amongst teenagers. A teen inspired by her mom’s rebellious past publishes a comic that calls out social problems in the school.
“Moxie” is particularly relevant because of its connection to the structure of society. Nowadays, people can be very judgemental, hypocritical, and have little respect for others. Young women are often referred to in derogatory ways and “Moxie” is a great representation of defeating those negative titles and bringing empowerment to women.
The plot of “Moxie” addresses a myriad of women's issues including discrimination, name calling, and lack of respect. As a result of a student being unfairly called out for dress code violations based on her breast size by the principal, Vivian reaches out to all the female students in the school by creating a comic book, which uplifts the women and sheds a light on the injustice within the school. Upon seeing the impact that the “Moxie” comic had on the school, the adults in the building attempted to stop the spread of “Moxie.”
After a student at the school was raped, their teacher, Mr. Davies tried to disrespect the Moxie group by stating that if they rebel they have to face the consequences. Soon after, the students rebel and burst out of class, banging on each classroom, getting every member of the group to go outside. They then discuss the school’s discrimination against young women. They hate that women are shoved aside. They are dismissed, ranked, assaulted and no one stands up. Shortly after, the social injustice stops and the adults begin to respect the female students’ point of view.
“Moxie” encourages women’s empowerment by telling all women that, no matter what shape or the way they look, they are beautiful and should not let anyone tell them otherwise. “Moxie” also encourages women to speak up against the injustice they face.
“Moxie” is directed by Amy Poeher, who is also a star of the movie. Other actors include Emma (Josephine Langford), Mitchell (Patrick Schwarzenegger), Vivian (Hadley Robinson), Claudia (Lauren Tsai), Seth (Nico Hiraga), and Lucy (Alycia Pascual-Pena).
“Moxie” is an interesting movie and should be recommended for everyone to watch. Moxie touches the topics of female empowerment and their social injustices. Moxie receives a rating of 9.5/10 because of its consistency and ability to touch on important topics. This movie was released March 3, 2021, and is currently on Netflix.