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What is the best way to address racial injustice in today’s time?

Name:Pamela Cartwright

Grade/Title: Algebra 2

Quote:  “I feel like there is already so much racial tension in America that ignoring the issue is the wrong path to take. If all people would just treat all other people in a kind and just manner, we wouldn't have injustice.”

Name: Elizabeth Alezetes

Grade/Title: DC American Literature

Quote: “I think my answer in a single word is education. But by education, I mean a number of things, the way public schools are funded (through property taxes of the area) now needs to change. We are giving the students who come from the most privileged homes the most money, and basically the rougher your neighborhood, the worse your school is. How can kids pull themselves up out of generational poverty when they've been given the least resources possible for their education?”