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Michel Roccati for being the first person to be able to walk with a cut spinal cord, with the help of Swiss Technology. A motorcycle accident left him paralyzed, and unfortunately, there was no therapy able to help him, but thankfully Swiss Technology has helped him overcome this challenge.
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Bhopal women for saving a three-year-old girl from abduction. Spotting the little girl screaming raised an alarm for the woman. Her abductor was a 58-year-old neighbor who had been abusing her and sexually assaulting her.
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The research team has found a way to transform ammonia into nitrogen gas. They have figured out a process that can replace ammonia carbon-based fuels. This is a step forward to the United Nations goal for the world to be carbon-neutral by the year 2050.
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A patient with leukemia that has now been the first woman to be cured of HIV. This has happened to two other people after they have received a stem cell transplant as well from a donor. She received a bone marrow transplant to treat her leukemia, and since then she has been 14 months without receiving HIV treatments.
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Russia widening its attack on Ukraine’s cities, and has now striked western airfields. This happened in the early hours on Friday March 11. In the attack 70 miles from the Polish border were reports that have said there have been damage from the attack. The governor of Volyn reported that four missiles were fired and there were two people killed.
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A public elementary school counselor for sending out an announcement telling parents they can withdraw their children from learning about Black History Month in school. This situation has made it to the internet. Many have shared their opinions and many high-profile names have spoken about this appalling situation.
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A New Jersey officer kneeling on a Black teen’s neck, after breaking up a fight. The officers found the Latino teen, known as Joey, on top of the Black teen. A female officer sat down on the couch with Joey, and her male partner tackled the Black teen. She then leaves Joey unhandcuffed, and assists her partner, and proceeds to put her Knee over the Black teen’s neck.
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Indiana lawmakers advanced a bill that would ban transgender women and girls from engaging in school sports that match their gender identity. Activists are opposing this bill stating that it is sexist and biased. People argue that this is even more unfair because it is already required by High School Athletic Association that transgender girls who want to play any sport have to show proof of completing hormone therapy.