Raymond Park brings in its Science Olympiad team

     Last week, Raymond Park rallied its Science Olympiad team and prepared them for the upcoming challenges coming towards them on Saturday. Over 30 teams arrived in Raymond Park Middle School with West Lake Middle School and Carmel High School taking first place and heading home with a gold medal around their necks.

     For those who have either forgotten about the subject or don’t know about it, Science Olympiad is a collection of competitions that challenges a team’s knowledge of biology, physics, engineering and many others. An example of such challenges is the “Flight Test.” In this contest, contestants have to make an airplane that can not only work with a rubber band as a motor but works as an airplane should by staying in the air. Many teams participated in this event, with one having a time of 1 minute and 50 seconds. Another contest, named the “Bridge Test,” challenged many teams on their knowledge of physics as they had to construct bridges that could hold up a heavy book and many more objects without having the bridge fall over.

     In short, it was a great competition with lots of teamwork, communication and other aspects.