Keep your eye on your assistant’s back, as she may try and stab yours. “The Personal Assistant” is a newly released book that will leave hearts pumping in anticipation and hairs standing up on end.
The main plot of the book is based around a girl named Alex, an influencer who posts unscripted family moments and motivational messages, and her smart assistant, “A.C.” After an alcohol-laced party to celebrate her getting 1 million followers, things take a turn for the worse when a controversial tweet about a 16-year-old female celebrity goes viral and lands Alex in some hot water. To make matters worse, not only is A.C. gone, a corpse was found - making Alex the number one suspect in a murder. Now the influencer has to figure out where her assistant is, what is going on, and why it is happening to her.
Kimberly Belle, the creator of “The Personal Assistant,” is well known as an international best-seller author. Born to a chemist and speech pathologist, Kimberly grew up in Kingsport, Tennessee with a love for fiction. The author has made many books over her time - a few being “The Last Breath,” “The Marriage Lie,” and “Three Days Missing.”
This book is the perfect heart-racer for the winter holidays, which has already been released on Nov. 29, for a price of $28.99 on Amazon, Audible, Kobo and Thriftbooks.