Medication Policy

Parents/Caregivers must complete and sign the medication permission form for any and all medications that are given at ECC. In the absence of the school nurse, a staff member who is trained by the Nurse in medication or procedure administration will be present during school hours to follow the physician prescribed orders. The giving or application of all medication and carrying out of medical procedures shall be done only on written order from a physician. This includes; chapstick, hand lotions and all over the counter medications. The only items that do not need a doctor’s signature are petroleum jelly for chapped hands or lips, A&D ointment, sunscreen, and insect repellents. However, a parent permission form must also be completed for administration of these items while at ECC. Additionally, parents/caregivers must provide these items if they are to be used during school hours. If a child attends both preschool and child care, please bring in 2 of these items (one for each location). *All medication must be sent to ECC in the original, unopened container (be sure it has not expired). Medication cannot be sent to ECC in baggies, backpacks, children’s pockets or improperly labeled bottles. Children cannot carry lip balm, lotions, hand sanitizer, or other medications on them. If your child attends child care, give medication to the front office staff and complete themedication consent form. If you want a medication to be given to your child at a certain time of the day, complete a Note to the Nurse form. Due to the ages of the children attending ECC, all medications must be kept out of the reach of children at all times. Children cannot carry medication on them or in their backpacks.

Please Note: Herbal preparations, essential oils, supplements, and energy drinks will not be given at the Early Childhood Center.

Hand sanitizer cannot be sent to school with a child. Children frequently wash their hands with soap and water while at school, which is the most effective way to clean hands. State licensing has temporarily permitted the use of hand sanitizer at the preschool level. However it must be kept out of the reach of children and administered by an adult. All prescription and over the counter medications must be picked up by a parent/caregiver on the last day of school or the medication(s) will be discarded.

If you have any questions regarding this policy please call our school nurse, 317-869-4771.